Home VIDEOS Isabella Melodies Releases a Powerful Prophetic Declaration with “Light Come”

Isabella Melodies Releases a Powerful Prophetic Declaration with “Light Come”


With simple yet profoundly powerful lyrics and a captivating melody, “Light Come” is both a prophecy and a declaration of the truth of our identity in Christ: that we are the light of the world and the salt of the earth.

Recorded live with an intimate gathering of passionate worshippers “Light Come” is a catalyst for revival.

Arise, shine! For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you – Isaiah 60:1



I am the light of the world
The salt of the earth
A chosen generation
To show forth His praise

Aye Aye (Aye Aye)
Aye Aye (Aye Aye)
Aye Aye (Aye Aye)
Light come

I am light (I am light)
I shine bright (I shine bright)
For the Spirit of the Lord
Is at work in my life


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