Join in with Uty Pius as she reminds us yet again with another gospel message to intentionally trust and rely on the mighty HAND of God “UBOK” Abasi
God is more than sufficient, just trust him. “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10.
Ubok Ubok
Favour and blessings,
all around my life, my God no dey stress me.
He made a promise, saying all things are good, all things, are working out for me.
Words can not express how you did it for me, your hands no dey fail me
You are good, you’ve written your words and they have all come to pass.
Ubok abasi ku uwem mi o,
[ enye nam ikpo nkpo ] Ubok abasi ki idem mi o, enye nam utib nkpo
Ubok, Ubok
enye nam utibe nkpo
I have nothing to fear again Your words are my peace and strength.
You have written my name on the palm of your hands indeed [ oh oh oh ] –
Your word is made flesh in me, now I’m walking in victory, see your light is shining all around [oh oh oh]
Chorus : Ubok abasi ku uwem mi o,
enye nam ikpo nkpo
Ubok abasi kiidem mi o, enye nam utibe nkpo
Chorus : Ubok abasi ku uwem mi o,
enye nam ikpo nkpo
Ubok abasi ki idem mi o, enye nam utibe nkpo
Ubok, Ubok enye nam utibe nkpo